Global Alliance for Spatial Technologies

de facto meeting place for the Spatial Tissue Profiling Community

Global Alliance of Spatial Technologies - GESTALT Logo

GESTALT: Bringing together the Global Spatial Tissue Profiling Community

GESTALT brings together professionals, enthusiasts, and providers of spatial tissue profiling across the Globe. Assay developers, labs, core facilities, bioinformaticians, computational biologists, clinicians, CROs, industry scientists, decision makers, and investors work together in maximizing the impact of Spatial Tissue Profiling


he GESTALT Community works in establishing standards and best practices for spatial tissue profiling

Shared Resources

Tested / Validated protocols, frameworks, antibody & probe lists, or computational tool resources from the Community and for the Community

Workshops, Training, Education

From curricula and tutorials to training of professionals, service providers, and decision makers

Real – Time Interaction

Global real-time discussions from the latest assay or preprint to clinical applications of spatial tissue profiling or porting assays to non-model organisms

Joint Projects & Publications

When large scale efforts really need a global village

Meetings & Seminars

Global e-meetings (and soon in-person meetings!), hackathons, and seminar series

GESTALT’s community-driven governance structure consists of the General Assembly, the Steering Committee, the Executive Committee, and multiple Working Groups (WGs). The General Assembly, comprising all members, is the highest decision-making body, ensuring that the voices of the entire community are represented in strategic decisions. Learn more about GESTALT governance

1,000+ members from 37 Countries

The combined knowledge and talent is what empowers everything GESTALT

Join the Spatial Revolution